Every time my wife and I get into a cleaning frenzy we usually fill 2 or more bags of clothing for the needy. Not that we are not needy but there are others who could surely use what we no longer need or want.
So, we call up a church that very kindly picks up our unwanted clothing and makes sure the needy gets it. Its usually a very simple process of just calling the church and giving them your address and time of pick up. They usually have a window from 8am to 3pm to pick up your donations. The norm is to leave your clothing in bags outside your door. Very simple right? Well, not that simple.
The problem is that in Brooklyn NY people have the notion that whatever is on your door step or stoop, is up for grabs. So with that said it could really "open up a can of worms" ( I love that figure of speech ) Sometimes people will go through your donations and grab what they want and then leave a mess on your door step for you to clean up in the morning and for your neighbors to gossip about how there must have been some heated domestic dispute at your house last night. We all know the usual suspects hanging their heads out their windows, checking to see when you come in and out and how many cigarettes you smoke on your stoop or why you ride your bike everywhere.
In order to avoid such catastrophes in our lives, we have taken a step further to ensure the protection of our donations. We have made signs that we taped onto our bags. Not just any signs but signs that are made to play with the intruders self worth. Hopefully this will deter all those crazy used clothing fiends that creep about at night looking for their next victim.
Hope this works and I hope you also enjoy the video.
JD Theft Free Donation Activist BKLYN NY
So neighbors are just as nosey in the big city as they are here? I thought that was just a small town thing. Lovin' the latest anti-theft stragedy... make those crooks do a bit of reflecting.
Awesome act of kindness to give clothes to the poor and needy children.
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